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ShoulderHasung Seoul Orthopedic Clinic

Calcific Tendinitis of Shoulder

Calcific tendinitis

Lack of sleep due to severe inflammation and pain

Inflammation progression occurs as lime builds up around the tendon, or is damaged by aging or trauma, hence causing Calcific tendinitis. Calcific tendinitis goes through three stages (formation/chronic(silent)/dissolution). In the dissolution phase, lime build up appears as an ointment-like or toothpaste-like form, causing severe inflammation in the rotator cuff tendon, resulting in acute pain.

Calcific tendinitis

What are the syptoms?

  • During formation phase, it may be found by chance or may cause chronic intermittent pain and symptoms of impingement syndrome. At this time, when the arm is lifted to the side between 70 and 110 degrees, pain occurs.

  • During the dissolution phase, it causes acute symptoms such as extreme pain, and the arm may even go to a state where it is almost impossible to move.

  • Usually there may be no history of trauma, but sometimes excessive or even minor exercise may cause non-traumatic symptoms. In addition, pain usually occurs in the frontal part of the shoulder, thereby extending the pain to the deltoid or neck.

  • Symptoms are commonly found in housewives. The pain is more distinctive at night as it feels more severe, causing difficulty sleeping.

Calcific tendinitis

What is the diagnosis?

  • Plain radiograph / X-ray

  • Ultrasound

  • MRI

  • Physical examination by physician

Calcific tendinitis

How to treat it?

  1. Step 1

    Conservative treatment

    Pain killer may be given in the acute phase by using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
    Physical therapy is effective for patients with mild pain and chronic symptoms, and injection therapy (a mixture of anesthetics and steroids) is performed if there is no improvement in symptoms.

  2. Step 2

    Surgical treatment

    If the pain persists or worsens even with various non-surgical treatments, which interferes with daily life, surgical treatment is performed in about 10% of patients.