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NeckHasung Seoul Orthopedic Clinic

Cervical herniated disc

Cervical herniated disc

Cervical herniated disc that is threatening our daily routine

With the modernization of our society, our daily life has changed to sedentary lifestyles.
So, it is easy to see people who are suffering from head, shoulder and cervical pain by using electronic devices such as computer or smartphone everyday.

One of the diseases that cause us pain is the a herniated disc in the neck.

Cervical herniated disc

What are the types and causes of cervical herniated disc?

  1. 01

    Soft disc


    It occurs mainly in younger people (30-40's) and is a disc that compresses nerves by prolapse of the nucleus pulposus between the cervical vertebra. It is mainly seen in cases such as traffic accidents in which the rear part of the vehicle is hit causing injury to the neck, or cases such as tech neck caused by prolonged use of computers, and cases for people with occupation requiring their heads gazing up for a long period of time.

  2. 02

    Hard disc


    It appears mainly after the mid-50s, and is a degenerative joint arthritis between the cervical vertebra or bony spur that compresses the cervical nerve roots. Since the movement between the 5th / 6th cervical vertebra moves the neck mostly and has the greatest amount of motion, there are so many cases of discitis in this area with age.

Cervical herniated disc

What are the symptoms?

  • As the neck hurts, the shoulder blades and the arms begin to tingle.

  • At first, it can cause headaches, dizziness, eyestrain and even cause redused vision.

  • Due to severe headache, some people may not realize they are actually suffering from neck pain.

Cervical herniated disc

How do we treat it?

  1. Step 1

    Neuroplasty / Prolotherapy / PRP therapy

    If there is no improvement even after 6 weeks with physical therapy or medications such as anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants, the procedure is performed by injection into the area where the nerve is pressed.

  2. Step 2

    Cervical herniated disc surgery

    Minimal invasivle spinal surgery such as laser assisted and endoscopy assisted can be considered and cervical arthrodesis can be also performed in case of Hard disc.