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SpineHasung Seoul Orthopedic Clinic

Herniated intervertebral discitis

Herniated intervertebral discitis

Herniated disc that not only hurts the back but extends down to the legs

The spine structure of our human body is composed of joints, bones and the cartilage, ligaments and muscles that connect the vertebral body.

Intervertebral discitis is a disease that occurs when the disc is prolapsed and compresses the lumbar nerve roots.

Herniated intervertebral discitis

What are the symptoms?

  1. 01

    Back and Leg pain

    Lower back pain, numbness and tingling in the legs are typical herniated disc symptoms.
    In severe cases, there is going to be paralysis of toes due to neural paralysis or dulled senses.

  2. 02

    Body posture change

    The spine may be bent or restricted in movements such as bending forward or straightening the back.
    When you walk, you may find yourself walking with one hand holding your back.

Herniated intervertebral discitis

How do we treat it?

  1. Step 1

    Medicine / Conservative Treatment

    As primary rule, it is important to get conservative treatments such as physical therapy and medicine treatments, for instance, anti inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants for about 6 weeks.

  2. Step 2


    Neuroplasty may be consiered if the patient does not improve with medicine and conservative treatments for a long time.

  3. Step 3

    Herniated disc surgery

    Most patients improve with conservative treatment.
    However, in the case of intractable severe pain due to continuous recurrence or rapid progression of nerve paralysis, you should consult with your doctor about the operative treatment.

Herniated intervertebral discitis


  • Upon completion of neuroplasty, you may spend your daily rountine as always normal and you may receive outpatient treatment.

  • It is recommended that you rest as much as you can after the procedure.

  • After the procedure, you will find your symptoms reduced and gradually improved by more than 70~80% after 1 week.

  • There are virtually no side effects or risks.

  • After the procedure, it is strongly advised to avoid excessive exercises.